Stay active within your abilities. Health Canada recommends the average person gets 150 minutes of exercise per week. If you are not sure if you can or should do this, please contact your physician.
Screen Time should be limited to less than two hours per day and child under ten years old should be limited to less than 1hr per day and children under two years, screen time should be avoided.
Communicate your end of life wishes with your family. It is critical that the important people in your life know your end of life preferences. Although these conversations are difficult, they allow assurance that you will have the care you want and your family will be reassured they are following your wishes.
Smoking: talk to your doctor about quitting smoking or tobacco use today.
Avoid Injury: wear seatbelts and bike helmets, update you smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, use street and wilderness sense, don’t travel alone
Alcohol: drink in moderation, never drink and drive, and avoid alcohol in pregnancy
Protect your Skin: wear sun screen and a hat to protect yourself against sun damage
When engaging with a new sexual partner, have an open conversation about sexually transmitted infections (STI), talk to your doctor about being tested for STIs and use a condom or barrier method for protection
Avoid Falls in the Elderly: move area rugs, small objects and make walking paths clear for elderly family members.
Healty Tips
1) Stay active within your abilities. Health Canada recommends the average person gets 150 minutes of exercise per week. If you are not sure if you can or should do this, please contact your physician.
2) Eat a health well balanced diet. Please review to the New Canada Food Guide.
3) Screen Time should be limited to less than two hours per day and child under ten years old should be limited to less than 1hr per day and children under two years, screen time should be avoided.